Geopolitics of the Body
“What kind of territory is flesh?”
– Deborah Dixon
The domination and sexualization of the female body as a metaphor for territorial conquest and colonial exploitation has been around for centuries, but how are geography and politics entangled with the feminine today?
The work comprises a series of sculptural objects exploring geopolitics and feminism. A series of sculptural vases made out of a ‘rubbery’ soft epoxy resin -resembling different skin tones and shaped as a female matrix- are placed over an irregularly shaped platform that plays with cartographic contours and the recreation of a domestic coffee table.
Materiality becomes an actor and agent within this series, suggests intersections and divergences, confronts nature, so called “man-made” processes, and cultural conventions. It embodies physical and emotional triggers. Its multiple folds both exhibit and conceal a history of vulnerability and violence, frontiers, and solitude.